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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Year 6 2021/2022

We loved doing the actions to the hymns in hymn practice in preparation for our feast day mass this week

We enjoyed our assembly about celebrating family love this morning and we wrote prayers to celebrate our own families and shared them together.

We spent the day at St. Chad’s learning about St. Chad, aspects of the history of the cathedral and celebrating mass with the parishioners.

We celebrated mass as a whole school with the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes to pray for vocations to religious life

We have gathered together with the rest of the school for an assembly about being grateful and generous. We listened to and responded to the gospel.

We celebrated mass in honour of Mary today with our school and parish community.  We had a short Marian Procession where we said The Rosary by the grotto and laid flowers and our special intentions at the feet of Mary.  

We created crosses that would be something traditionally done at Easter in Christian Orthodox Churches around the world as part of our multifaith work. We added a Ukrainian flag in recognition that many of the Ukrainian people are Christian Orthodox and unable to worship during this time of war.

We enjoyed our hymn practice with the rest of the school in preparation for our end of term mass.

We were so grateful to be reminded of the stages of Jesus’ death by Year 4 today in their Stations of the Cross

We were led brilliantly by our Liturgy Leaders today in a decade of the Rosary to prepare for the Feast of the Annunciation.

Today, for the feast of St. Patrick, we celebrated mass in church and we wore all things green and Irish.

We started our week with a hymn practice in the hall, the first for two years, in preparation for our St. Patrick’s Day mass on Thursday. We were in fine voice!

We have been learning about the books of the Bible this week, focusing particularly on the books of the Prophets. We have enjoyed listening to the song ‘The Bible Book Bop’ and we know that there are major and minor Prophets within these books.

We have looked at our Laudato Si calendar during our assembly time this week. Please try and look at it every day during Lent and see if you can complete any of the suggested tasks.

We have thought about what Lenten promises we could make relating to Laudato Si and recorded them on a footprint.

We learnt about Guadalupe in Mexico and how it is a special place of worship for Catholics, particularly in Central and South America. Our Lady asked Juan Diego to whom she had appeared to pick flowers from the mountain to show to the bishop as proof she had appeared to him. We made paper flowers to help us remember the story.

We had lots of questions for Deacon Tim today after benediction

Thank you to our Liturgy Leaders who led us in a decade of the Rosary as this Friday is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. We prayed the fifth glorious mystery-the crowning of our Lady.

We celebrated the feast of the Presentation of the Lord by taking part in mass online.

We found out about Maximillian Kolbe and Edith Stein in our class assembly on historical religious figures. We enjoyed finding out about how their lives and deaths were linked to the Second World War

We learnt about how the Epiphany and Easter are celebrated in the Greek Orthodox religion as part of our Multi-Faith afternoon.

We have been exploring what it means to be curious and active by creating role plays about helping others actively and making posters to show the things in God’s world that we are curious about

We have celebrated the Epiphany with a virtual mass today and we also completed some lovely RE work as part of our Christmas unit.

Well done to these pupils who achieved Bronze and Silver Awards this term for their merits. A fabulous achievement!

Well done to G and B (who was unfortunately absent today for a photograph) for receiving certificates this half term for being learned and wise.

We performed our Advent Liturgy yesterday for our parents. We were very excited as it was the first time in a while that they could come into school.

We have made promises that we are going to try to keep during Advent as part of our RE work this week. Our Liturgy Leaders have also made sure that our prayer table reflects the season of Advent.

We wore red today for Red Wednesday to pray for those persecuted for their Christian beliefs and we went over to Church to say the Our Father and to light a candle. We will try to remember our Red Wednesday promise.

We have considered the phrase , ‘One Kind Word’ as part of our work on Anti-Bullying week and as part of our active curriculum day, we collected leaves to create our nature pictures. We must remember that being kind to others is something we should always strive to do.

As part of our house team work, we thought about the 70th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention and wrote a prayer for refugees around the world.

We completed our Remembrance Day display with our poppies and made poppies for a wreath. We stopped for a 2 minute silence to remember those who gave their lives in war.

We have also made poppies for a display outside our classroom.

Today we reflected on those who have died in war as part of our class assembly and offered our prayers on a poppy.

We attended mass this morning to offer our prayers for the faithful departed. We wrote prayers for our deceased family members in our class assembly and we have created a prayer table of remembrance. We will pray for those who have died during the month of November.

Thank you to T and A for leading us in our Rosary this week.

Thank you to our Chaplains who lead us in our assembly about living simply. We thought about how to protect and preserve the precious resources on our planet.

Thanks to our Music ambassadors, who led us in our hymn practice in class yesterday, we were in fine voice for this morning’s mass.

As part of Little Way Week, we have discussed the small things we could do this week to make a big difference to others. In our class assembly this morning, we learnt about St. Terese of Liseux who said that the little things are important.

As part of our RE work on Baptism and Confirmation this week, we have reflected on the feelings of the Apostles when they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. Our RE display allows us to reflect on how we may feel when we receive the Holy Spirit during the Sacrament of Confirmation

We had our first whole school mass today lead by Year 6. We celebrated the exaltation of the cross and reflected upon the significance of the crucifix in our faith.

As part of our Art day, we created sketches of the eye using charcoal to support the CAFOD project, ‘ The eyes of the world are upon us’.

We learnt about different types of prayer in our RE lesson and used the ideas to write our own.

Our Jesuit Virtues for this half term and to be eloquent and truthful. We recorded in our RE books what it means to be eloquent and truthful in our journey of faith.

We learnt about our Class Saint, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and how we could be inspired by his life and holy work.

We thought about our Mission Statement and how we can fulfill it this year.

Ready for our final journey at Our Lady of Lourdes in Year 6. Please pray for us.
