School Uniform Checklist 2024 - 2026
The Governing Body of Our Lady of Lourdes requires that all pupils wear the prescribed uniform (as detailed below) because we feel that uniform ties the pupils together and shows that we are one family. Uniform is an equaliser and as such all pupils are expected to wear the uniform.
Governors have elected to have items of uniform with our school logo. Some of these are compulsory (your child is required to wear them if they attend) and some are optional (you may choose to wear them). We have minimised the number of compulsory logo items to allow parents a greater range of options for sourcing clothing. The table at the end of the document will show compulsory and optional logo elements.
This list is the uniform of the school and if an item of clothing is not listed then it is not uniform and should not be worn. By seeking admission or by sending your child to Our Lady of Lourdes you are also agreeing to support the policies of the school including adherence to the prescribed uniform code.
Uniform List
Winter Uniform to be worn from September - Last Day of Spring Term each year
- Ocean blue sweat shirt or cardigan with our school logo/badge (the school badge with two lions at the base of the badge only – this is only available from Clive Mark)
- Grey flannel school skirt, culottes or trousers
- White shirt (long or short sleeves) for KS2 and any pupil in KS1 who wants to wear one. KS1 and EYFS may wear a white polo shirt
- School Tie (from Year 3 only – NOT the elasticated version, it must be a proper school tie and must be worn with the school white shirt at all times). If Year R, 1 or 2 choose a collared shirt it also needs a tie so consider carefully if a polo shirt is a better option while they are in younger classes
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Black sensible shoes (no trainers allowed, no heels allowed, no over ankle boots allowed)
- Wellington boots (required for outdoor activities and Forest School work)
- Long hair in a plait, bun or pony tail/s at all times to minimise exposure to head lice (hair ties and bows in blue, black or white preferably – no fashion hair bows except on theme days or non-uniform days) – please note that hair rules apply equally to boys and girls
- Blue School Book Bag required for all children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 (available to buy from the school or Clive Mark). Pupils do not need another bag and rucksacks are not allowed in these classes – they are just too large to store safely and your child will be asked to keep them at home. Pupils in Year 5 and 6 may have either a school Reading Book Bag or a Rucksack
- Blue School PE Bag (available to buy from the school) or you can provide your own
- Blue School Cap to be worn on school visits and during the school day in hot weather (these are provided for each child in Year R - Year 6 free of charge, Nursery pupils may wear their own hats)
Uniform List - Summer Uniform (Optional from the 1st Day of Summer Term only)
- Royal blue gingham dress or culottes
- White polo shirt instead of formal collared shirt (school badge on polo shirt or plain)
- Grey short trousers (must be to the knee/boys or girls)
- Pupils may stay in winter uniform if they choose to do so
- Blue School Cap to be worn on school visits and during the school day in hot weather (we do not allow fashion caps or football team caps)
PE kit (Please remember that PE is a compulsory part of the National Curriculum and all pupils are expected to take part. Safe PE requires the following kit…)
- Black slip-on plimsolls for indoor PE (dance/gymnastics) and trainers for outdoor PE (Games, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities). Year N only need plimsolls
- White t shirt (Clive Mark also sell a version with our school badge if you wish but you may use any plain white T Shirt instead and supermarkets usually sell them in multi packs very reasonably)
- Blue or black shorts (no other colours allowed and no football team shorts) – Children must not wear short shorts (shorts that are cut extremely high on the leg)
- Swimming costume/trunks/towel are needed from Year 2 for swimming lessons (swimming is compulsory from Year 2 to Year 6 at OLOL) – we do not mind designs but bikini/tankini suits are not suitable and are not allowed
- Goggles for swimming are optional but we do not expect children to purchase these specially
- Blue or black tracksuit bottoms allowed in winter months (November to February half term only) - no football or fashion clothing allowed
- Blue School Cap to be worn in hot weather (provided by school) – no other fashion caps are allowed
Lost Items
Children lose items of clothing with disturbing regularity. We expect OLOL children to look after their belongings in all classes. You can help us by ensuring that you label all items of clothing with labels that can be sewn/ironed in. You may choose the labels you write on with biro, but this does wash out within weeks and most jumpers are lost within the first 10 weeks of school.
The school accepts no responsibility for loss of uniform unless that loss is as a direct result of negligence on the part of the school – all items of uniform misplaced by pupils will be placed in lost property for two terms only. It is the responsibility of the pupil to look after their jumpers and cardigans.
Jewellery Rules
We are a “No Jewellery” School
This means: No jewellery is allowed including earrings (no studs and no earring hole retainers)
- Children may wear a watch (but not a smart watch with internet connectivity)
- Please ensure that you get any ears pierced in the summer holidays to allow enough time for the hole to remain open without retainers. Earring holes can stay open even if the child takes them out for school – so long as the earring is in place for some time each day (and after school - overnight gives at least 12 to 15 good hours that the hole is maintained and will not close)
- Pupils that wear earrings to school will be asked to remove them or you will be telephoned and asked to come and remove them
- No other body piercings are allowed for health and safety reasons and pupils will be asked to remove them or you will be telephoned and asked to come and remove them (new update from June 2024)
- Please avoid causing stress for your child by following this rule and not making it an incident at school
Make Up Rules
No nail polish or make up is allowed
- Pupils arriving in make-up/nail polish will be asked to remove it and will be provided with materials to do so
Hair Style Rules
No extreme haircuts are allowed for boys or girls
- If the Head Teacher deems the haircut to be extreme you will be asked to rectify it at the hairdresser/ barber – please note that this is not a matter for debate, appropriate hairstyles are part of the agreed uniform policy and as such parents are required to support the school in applying that policy
- It is recommended that boys do not cut designs/tram lines into their hair
- Boys and girls may have long hair but the rules about long hair being tied (plait/bun/pony tail) also apply to both
- Pupils are not allowed to colour their hair during term time and any colours added for fun etc. must be gone before pupils return to school
Items of Uniform with School Logo
Compulsory Logo Item | Optional and Available Logo Item |
- OLOL School Cardigan or Jumper with school logo – this item is only currently available at Clive Mark
- OLOL School Reading Bag
| - OLOL PE T Shirt
- OLOL Polo Shirt (work as EYFS and KS1 main uniform and KS2 summer uniform)
- OLOL Hoodie (this is an optional item for cold weather but must not be worn instead of the OLOL School jumper or cardigan)
Preferred but not Compulsory Logo Item |
- OLOL Water Bottle
Your child can have any similar style PE bag – they should not use a rucksack for PE kit as they are too large for us to store (and these will be sent home) |
Where to buy OLOL uniform?
OLOL logo items can be purchased at Clive Mark in Kings Heath. Book bags and PE bags can be purchased from school at a cheaper price than Clive Mark. Here is the link to the OLOL page of their website - parents can order online or at the store.
Most uniform staples, as mentioned above, can be purchased at George at Asda, Tesco's and Sainsburys etc.
Each year we have opportunities throughout the year for donated and second hand uniform to be shared with parents (we will advise you of this in school newsletters). At the end of each school year, we send pre-loved uniform looking for a new home to the Rubery Swop Shop ( if parents want to be more sustainable and get some perfectly good, second hand logo uniform items.