This page will show any current vacancies at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School. Please note that we require all applications to be downloaded, and posted/delivered to school once they are signed and dated (unless the advert specifically says that email is an alternative submission method).
We advise any applicants to make an appointment to visit the school so that you can see our Mission in action and determine if OLOL is the place for you! In addition you can look at our website and our Twitter page
It is very important that anyone applying for a vacancy at OLOL reads our Safeguarding Page and attached Safeguarding Policy, as well as any supplementary paperwork on this page, to be fully advised of all expectations and checks that will be undertaken in the event of an offer of employment being made. No unconditional employment offers will be made and all checks completed before any employment is confirmed. Application forms should be completed fully, following the instructions in the document, with no gaps (so please write N/A in any space that does not require an answer from you). Incomplete forms are likely to be rejected at the shortlisting stage.
Applicants for posts at OLOL will be asked to provide qualification and identity check evidence at interview (what you need to bring will be detailed in your invitation letter). Please bring the original of any document you are asked for and ensure that office staff are made aware of any name changes so that searches on all known names can be made when applying for your DBS Clearance.
Those wishing to do voluntary work at OLOL must also follow a similar safeguarding process requiring interview with the HT, agreement with the volunteers policy, completion of the OLOL Self Declaration form, DBS and vetting/barring checks. If you are interested in volunteering you can contact the school office and Mrs Maxwell will talk you through the process.
All applicants should read the OLOL Pay Policy to ensure they understand how their pay will be calculated on appointment (attached below) and are happy with the terms. Salary negotiations will not take place once in post.
The Governors reserve the right (in line with KCSIE guidance) as part of the shortlisting process, to consider carrying out an online search as part of our due diligence on shortlisted candidates. This may help us to identify any incidents or issues that have happened, and are publicly available online, which the school might want to explore with any applicant at their interview. If the school decides to do such checks, exactly the same searches will be carried out for all candidates using publicly available information.
OLOL does not accept unsolicited CV's from people hoping to work at our school and nor do we accept any CV's attached to applications. The candidate should include all relevant information on the standard application forms below and any CV's received will not be reviewed. Your application should only contain your covering letter and your application form, with any safeguarding or child protection paperwork you have been asked to read, complete and sign.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ask their employer for references. It is unprofessional to put down a referees name without their consent and can result in awkward conversations between the school and previous employers. Please remember that a request for a reference can be refused.
The Governing Body will request that referees complete the school's own proforma for references and not their own documentation. We understand that sometimes questions may not be appropriate for all referees but we will only accept references not presented in this way in exceptional circumstances. Candidates should advise their referees of this in advance.
The following references will not be accepted - open references, references addressed "to whom it may concern", undated references, photocopied references etc. References must be written by a senior member of staff who knows the candidate. The identity of referees will be checked in so far as possible by the panel to ensure that the person confirming your suitability to work with children actually works in the capacity stated by you on your application form and has the authority and knowledge to write about you.
All teacher applications must include the name of their current Head Teacher.
If those employed by OLOL commit offences outside school, relevant information may be passed to the employer (school) and any regulatory body (such as DBS) in the interests of safeguarding and public safety. Staff should always inform the Head Teacher if they have been involved in an incident or committed an offence, to ensure our transparent approach to safeguarding is maintained (as outlined in our Staff Low Level Concern Policy).
Previous OLOL staff requesting to use OLOL for a reference for a new post should email or telephone the Head Teacher in advance of naming the school as a referee. All reference requests must go through the Head Teacher in the first instance.