Pupil Led Chaplaincy at Our Lady of Lourdes
Many of our Year 6 pupils are members of the OLOL Chaplaincy Team. To be a Chaplain requires a faith and time commitment from the children as they support others with their faith development and role model correct behaviour and spiritual integrity.
The role of the Chaplaincy Team is…
- To help the school to be a living community of faith
- To encourage the pupils to live their faith through Gospel Values daily in their work and play
- To make sure that class prayer areas and displays reflect the Catholic Life of our school
- To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
- To plan and lead assemblies and prayer services
- To lead lunchtime liturgy in the Prayer Area
- To help the teachers evaluate Catholic Life and RE at OLOL
- To plan and involve other pupils in fundraising for charity
- To continue to develop strong links with the our Parish
- To support the school in its Mission
Christ at the centre of our school
where we live, love and learn together
Children in Year 6 may apply to become a Chaplaincy Team member each September in writing to Mrs David and Mrs Anthony explaining why they think they would be good religious role models for our school.