Home Page

Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Online Safety for OLOL Children

Social Media Age Restrictions

OLOL Internet Safety Rules

OLOL Online Safety Team

At OLOL we have an Online Safety Team that meet every month to discuss online safety and how we can make children and staff at our school more aware of the benefits and risks of the internet and how to keep ourselves and others safe.


Members of the Online Safety Team are

  • Mrs Lynch – Assistant Head Teacher
  • Mrs David – Head Teacher
  • Deacon Tim – Governor member/Computing Governor
  • Pupils from Years 1 – 6 in our school
  • Parent member - TBC

Online Safety Learning

Our Online Safety Teams at OLOL

Photos of our Team Meetings

Information to help me be safe online...

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is repetitive, negative and intentional behaviour that causes harm or upset and is carried our through online communication (such as social media platforms like snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, what’s app and TikTok). Cyberbullying can be hard to eradicate since people can conceal their identity with profiles that use avatars and false names. If you think you are being bullied online…

  • Tell your mum or dad, big brothers or sisters or a teacher
  • Get screenshots of the offending material (or ask your parents to)
  • Get information that will help you (and us) to identify the person who is bullying you (name, age, screen names, profile pictures etc.)
  • Tell your family anything you might have said too, things you might have said in retaliation or when provoked
  • Report the perpetrator (bully) to the reporting part of the social media site they are using then block them person so that they cannot use the same profile to contact you again – your parents or teachers can help you do this
  • Don’t go on sites that are too old for you
  • Don’t make friends online with people you do not know – it is really easy to make fake profiles to hide who you are
  • If it is another pupil in school, we will make sure that you are safe in school and we will deal with it
  • If the perpetrator is someone not known to us we will help you and your family take the next steps 

    Am I allowed to have a social media account?

    At OLOL we ask parents to think very carefully about how they monitor their child's internet use. Parents need to consider what benefits are to be gained from allowing children to have telephones with internet access that is hard to monitor and keep track of downloads. Please keep an eye on this page to get tips on keeping your child safe online...

    Please look on this page for advice, information and activities to help you keep safe when you are online. Keep checking back as we will add new things for you to see and do all the time!
