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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Schools of Sanctuary

What is a School of Sanctuary?

Sanctuary is a place of safety and a School of Sanctuary is one where there is a welcome and understanding for those who are looking for safety, such as people seeking asylum and refugee families. We think back to when Jesus, Mary and Joseph were such seeking sanctuary and travelled to Egypt to find a place of safety when the Holy Family was in danger from King Herod. We think what could have happened to the Holy Family had they not received such a welcome and a place to find refuge until it was safe for them to return home again...


OLOL are continuing the journey towards becoming and accredited School of Sanctuary and you can watch that journey unfold in this online record as we develop knowledge,  understanding and empathy so that we too will be the people that can support those displaced in whatever way we can. We will continue our tradition of being a voice to the vulnerable at OLOL. We will work with Stories of Hope and Hope and the Columban's to develop a deeper understanding of social justice and the lived experiences of those looking for sanctuary. As a School of Sanctuary, we will:

  1. LEARN Schools help their students, staff and wider community learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary and the issues surrounding forced migration
  2. EMBED Schools are committed to creating a safe and inclusive culture of welcome that benefits everybody, including anyone in their community seeking sanctuary
  3. SHARE Schools share their values and activities with their local communities


As we continue this important work (linked to the work of our Rights Respecting Pupil Voice Team, School Council and Liturgical Pupil Voice Groups), we will update this page with information and ideas, and share what we are doing in our little part of Yardley Wood to ensure we do what Jesus asked of us...

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Matthew 25

What is a refugee?

To help children grasp the stories of refugees and what they go through, Save the Children have produced this video. The video can help teach children about where refugees come from, what happened in their countries, and why they fled danger.

Refugee animation | CAFOD

This compelling animation from Catholic aid agency, CAFOD, encourages children and young people to reflect on journeys made in history and by their own families.

Refugee Life: Through a Child's Eyes

Little Hamze was uprooted from his home in Mosul, Iraq when ISIS swept through the area in 2014. Now, he and his father have made it to Idomeni, Greece where they await safe passage to Germany and hope to be able to send for Hamze's mother and sister.


The BBC's Newsnight programme spoke to a family from Damascus who were thrown into the sea when a boat crowded with refugees capsized after being riddled with bullets off the Libyan coast (Older children only)

We think about Sanctuary and Human Rights through assemblies and Collective worship, British Values, through curriculum activities, fund raising and positive social are some examples of what we do at OLOL. 

Our school signed an open letter with 180 organisations to express deep concerns over the recent (Feb 2023) attack against people seeking asylum and refugees in Knowsley. The letter asks Party leaders to do something to change the language used which creates division and conflict between those needing our protection from danger and the communities they live in when they arrive...

We celebrate our curriculum on Twitter and shared our Stories of Hope and Home staff meeting about people seeking asylum and refugees - we learned so much and had so many ideas for what we can do next...

Stories of Hope and Home came to visit us in school to lead workshops with the children about the lived experience of refugees and people seeking asylum. Alberto from El Salvador and Cedric from Cameroon have experienced some trauma on their journey to safety but hopefully, here in the UK, they will find the sanctuary and welcome to make the next stage of their lives a better one...

We had an Epiphany Assembly where we made clear links with the plight of people seeking asylum and refugees...

We thought about the impact of war on children and families and created posters to ask for peace and an end to conflict - we thought especially about the families in Ukraine who have been displaced by war...

On International Human Rights Day, we thought about what happens to people when their rights are taken away, and considered why these rights are universal, unconditional, inherent, indivisible and inalienable

As part of our Rights Respecting journey, we used this PPt to think about refugees on World Refugee Day...

A visit to St Chad’s Sanctuary and this beautiful book inspired this Year 6 piece of art which is proudly displayed in school to remind us of the Holy Family’s own lived reality as asylum seekers...

We are a Rights Respecting School...this means we are on a journey to know and understand the UN Rights of the Child and how these rights belong to us all no matter who we are, where we are or how we come to be there...What rights do we enjoy that children in refugee and families seeking asylum do not?
