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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Emergency Closure Info (including COVID) & Pupil Home Learning Links

Our Remote Learning Plan at OLOL

We have a dedicated policy that discusses Remote Learning in the Remote Learning section above. These details are to cover any eventuality where teh school needs to be closed and we provide education. Please note that remote learning is any learning that happens away from school, it does not mean that we have to teach live or provide recorded lessons. This plan was in place during the COVID pandemic and now applies to all emergency or contingency situations where your child has to learn away from the school site. 


Our Plan:

At OLOL, we will be offering your children a blended (mixture) curriculum option in the event of a national health or other emergency that prevents your child being at school

* We will send home paper based packs and activities

* We will offer you continued additional materials on our website

* We will continue to provide you with online learning portals already established (EdShed, XTable Rockstars etc)  and links to online lessons (Oak Academy)

* We will share classroom learning each day through Teams (live lessons) with your child's class teacher 

* We will not offer 1:1 online tutoring but we will provide any gap closure tutoring required when pupils return to school


This page is where you will find all of the materials you need to support your child's learning while they are learning at home. If your child has a medical condition that prevents them from attending school, we do not expect them to be completing work but if your child is self-isolating with COVID, without illness or working from home as part of the lockdown regulations, is at home due to reduced mobility (again with no illness such as a broken leg), or at home because OLOL has had to close for another emergency reason, then parents need to put arrangements in place for them to do some curriculum work each day.


These remote arrangements do not apply to any other illness or circumstance and is not an on demand service. If your child is too ill for school, they are generally to ill to work at home. 


In the event of school closure (for whatever reason), all pupils in each class will be taught their usual timetabled curriculum remotely. At EYFS and KS1 (Years N - 2) we will provide a minimum of 4 hours provision. At KS2 (Years 3 - 6) we will provide a full timetable except PE (for health and safety reasons). 


We have a page for each class (star links below) and contained within that will be a range of curriculum work that is age appropriate and allows your child to consolidate their wider class learning at any point in the year. The work will cover many subjects and can be supplemented by additional folders on this page with more materials. In addition to the wide offer on this page you have access to the free online learning portals. 


Coping with Technology:

Your child's class teacher will explain how each MS Teams session will work to your child and will set the rules for those lessons. They will also let you know if any lessons that day will not be available on Teams. We encourage as many children as possible to access as many lessons as they can. Teachers will record english and maths lessons where possible so that where multiple children are accessing a small number of machines, they can access the lessons later or at the weekend if necessary. 


If there is a tech issue and you cannot get access, please do not phone the school. If the issue is at your end you will need to fix it and if the issue is at our end we will already be working on it but teachers will be teaching to their timetable and will not stop the lesson to play with the Teams application. Each family will receive their child's email address and password annually, and this will be how the Teams Class Group is established. Staff will not use Teams through parental email addresses.


If you do not have the usual technology at home,  we want your child to engage with us using at least the paper packs that follow the curriculum. Please note that you can access online content on the website and MS Teams using

- Laptop

- Desktop Computer

- iPad

- Play Station

- XBox

We have loan laptops and mini iPads that will be issued to priority children. We will ask parents to sign an agreement about how teh technology will be used including internet access and forensic monitoring. 


If you are working at home and you wish to, you can use the online work pack of a year group below your child's to support your child and work towards your child's class pack this is fine but do not start a year group ahead unless your child has completed all of their correct year group work first. We will continue to provide Year 7 and 8 extension materials in maths. 


Below the Year Group folders (stars) you will continue to see the general work folders compiled to supplement and extend the learning. This includes all online teaching resources and will be regularly updated.


Snow Days:

Before remote learning processes were embedded, a snow day would be a curriculum free day for most children. If OLOL has to close due to snow (or any other extreme weather), teachers will provide remote sessions from 9.00 - 1.00 pm on those days (subject to any technology issues). We encourage you to make sure that your child enjoys some outdoor fun (after 1.00 pm) when it snows, it is all learning!

OLOL Remote Learning Policy 2021-2023
