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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


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Year 2

Year 2 Prayer Service of Thanksgiving for the end of the School Year

Father Sean joined us to pray and say thank you for the year we have had together.


Thank you God for everything that we have learned this year. Thank you God for the gift of each other. May God bless us and keep us all safe. May God bless our families and friends. May God bless each and every one of us as we begin our summer holiday!


A was inspired to make her own Mass artefacts after learning about the Mass.

We learned about the order of Mass, what happens at different parts and practised some of the responses.

In this unit we are learning about Mass

May is the Month of Mary

We said a decade of the Rosary each day and prayed for an end to the Pandemic and Peace in our World.

Saint George's Day on 23rd April


Easter Garden

Stations of the Cross

Thank you to Year 4 for leading the Stations of the Cross for us to watch.

We began learning about Holy Week by acting out the events of Palm Sunday.

Learning about the events of Holy Week

We learned about Saint Joseph in assembly and then wrote prayer intentions to Saint Joseph.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

On the 17th March, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day by taking part in online Mass and learning about the life and work of Saint Patrick. We learned that Saint Patrick explained  the Holy Trinity using a shamrock; three leaves and a single stem.


Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day is always celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent.

This year it is on March 14th.

It is a day to think about the kindness shown to us by our mother who loves and cares for us.


We made a special card for Mother’s Day and wrote a message of thanks to our mums.


In our Geography topic on Rainforests, we learned about deforestation and the devastating impact it has on its people and animals. We were reminded of Pope Francis' letter Laudato Si and how we all have a duty to care for our planet. We learned about Saint David this week and we remembered his words, "Do the little things". We thought that during Lent especially we would be more conscious of recycling the things that we can.

Our Lenten Promises - pray, fast and give

Our Lady of Lourdes feast day is on 11th February

We learned about Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette. Then we held a prayer service by the grotto.

Enjoying a French breakfast to celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes feast day!

Parables and Miracles

The Calming of the Storm (Mk. 4:35-41)


We read how Jesus performed a miracle by calming the storm on Lake Galilee and drew  pictures to show this.

This miracle teaches us that we have to have faith in Jesus and always believe in times of trouble.


Blessing of our Classroom on the solemnity of the Epiphany

Visiting the Crib

Our Class Advent Liturgy

Advent Assembly - Week 3

Advent Assembly - Week 2

Advent - We are waiting and preparing for Jesus to come at Christmas.

We made Advent promises, which we shared with the class, in our Prayer Journals.

Advent Assembly led by Year 2. We are intentional and prophetic in our faith.

November - Remembrance

Our Unit is Sharing in the Life of Jesus

October is the month of the Rosary

As we are learning about the Old Testament we learned about David and we loved the story of David and Goliath.


We also read and discussed Psalm 23 which was written by David. We discussed the psalm and rewrote it together.

We praise you God, because you give us everything we need like food and drink, 

You let me rest in my bed,

You show me what to do in the Bible, 

You make me strong when I am scared.

You are with me always to look after me and help me because you love me.


We then wrote our psalms; praising and thanking God:


Psalm by J

You are with me always Lord; you are so special,

Thank you God for my home and my friends, 

Lord God, you are my hope and you give me love,

I love you God,

I will always try to follow you.



Psalm by E

You are with me always Lord,

You always guide me through the tough times,

Lord you are my hope,

You are my shepherd.



We took part in Mass this week - virtually

Our assembly this week was about Saint Matthew. Matthew was a tax collector but Jesus forgave him. He became a disciple.

We celebrated the feast of The Exaltation on the Cross and remembered how much Jesus loves us.

We took part in an online CAFOD assembly about 'The World we Want' and making a difference to our world.

Old Testament Stories and Prayers

We have started by learning about the Old Testament in our Bibles.

We blessed our new classroom with Holy Water.

Father Kieran blessed us during our 'New Beginnings' prayer service as we started Year 2.

Our first day in Year 2

Our first lesson was learning about the Mission Statement of our school.
