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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Medical Information

Medical Information for Parents

At Our Lady of Lourdes we have a series of policies in place to support pupils who have medical conditions in school (see also Asthma Policy below).


OLOL Medical Coordinator – Mrs Best

OLOL SENDCo – Mrs Lynch

OLOL Pupil Mental Health - Miss Popsys

OLOL Adult Mental Health - Miss Grant


Our Lady of Lourdes will work with families and health professionals to ensure that all children have a full access to the curriculum and that their day to day medical needs are met during the school day, while in After School or Before School Provision and while on educational visits or working off site.


We will support the administration of medicine during the school day if it is required to be taken at this time (and cannot be deferred to an out of school time), if the medicine is prescribed by a GP or Consultant and is still in its original packaging with the label indication the child’s name and required dosage and times of said dosage or if pain relief is required to manage a condition. In all instances the parent or person with PR must come to the school office and complete the necessary paperwork in school giving consent for administration.


if you wish us to administer (or supervise the taking of) non prescription medication, you must speak with the Medical Coordinator and a decision will be made about our ability to support the request - this will only apply to pain medication or allergy topical treatments or medication. Items of non emergency medical requests are unlikely to be supported during the school day to minimise unnecessary administration of substances to pupils and to avoid unnecessary disruption to the school day. The Medical Coordinator discusses all requests with the Head Teacher.


There is no legal or contractual duty on teachers to administer medicine or to supervise children taking it. This is voluntary. Our duty of care to pupils will be treated seriously and we will work with you to make sure we are supporting your child’s needs in a reasonable manner with care for their dignity but also the welfare and protection of the staff in mind.


We have emergency medication in school to manage asthma, anaphylaxis and allergic reactions of a less serious nature. We will not routinely offer medication held on site and if you know your child has an allergy or asthma (as well as other emergency conditions) it is your responsibility to make sure that school has your child’s emergency medication and that you have completed all necessary paperwork. All emergency medication is stored at the child’s location and is taken to the child in the event of a medical emergency. 

At OLOL our long term priority is to instil safe, independent practises for pupils with medical conditions so that they have effective ownership of their health, hygiene, wellbeing and personal medications. 


We do not administer  paracetamol products (except Calpol if pain relief is required and only the dose as stated on the bottle by age of child), aspirin or ibuprofen.


Paediatric First Aiders

We are required to have Paediatric Trained First Aiders in school at all times. Currently the following staff are trained in excess of the DfE minimum requirements.

 - Mrs David

 - Mrs Lynch

 - Miss Grant

 - Mrs Best (also has the Adult First Aid at Work qualification)

 - Mrs McGrath

 - Mrs Loughran 

​​​​​​ - Mrs Browning

 - Miss Reilly

 - Miss Popsys

 - Mrs Austin

 - Mrs Kemp (currently has Adult First Aid at Work)


Defibrillator Trained Staff

Our Lady of Lourdes has a defibrillator with 10 trained members of staff in order to allow us to manage cardiac incidents in school immediately. Staff have received training to use the  AED (situated in the main School Reception but this device can be used by untrained persons in the event of an emergency).


Asthma (separate policy below)

If your child is diagnosed with asthma please read the school Asthma Policy and complete the School Asthma Card. You are responsible for ensuring that your child’s inhalers are in school and in date. We will check inhalers on a regular basis and will notify you if they are out of date.


Medical Care Plans

Sometimes, pupils have short term acute or long term chronic medical conditions that MAY need a care plan to support their needs in school. The decision to create a plan will be based on the best interests of the child in collaboration with medical services, within the context of what we can achieve in school. School is the final arbiter on health & safety requirements, once medical determinations are in place. 

Important Documents for Parents/Carers

If you have any questions of a general medical nature, please contact Mrs Best through the School Office. If you have any confidential medical questions or concerns please feel free to make an appointment to speak with the Class Teacher or Head Teacher.
