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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


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Year 3 Catholic Life

Feast of the Epiphany


Welcome back to our Catholic Life Page. We hope you had a wonderful celebration of Christmas with your loved ones.

 This week in class, we have celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany. Our Liturgy Leads led us in Sunday's Gospel where we listened to the words of St Matthew that retells the Three Kings (Magi) visiting the baby Jesus and gifting him with Gold, Frankincense and Myrhh. 



Lord God of heaven and earth,

you revealed your only Son to every nation

by the guidance of a star.

Bless this home and all who inhabit it.

Fill us with the light of Christ

That our concern for others may reflect your love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.




Year 3 would live to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. Please watch our school carol concert performance by using the below link. 


Lord Jesus Christ,
your birth at Bethlehem
draws us to kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth:
accept our heartfelt praise
as we worship you,
our Saviour and our eternal God.

Advent Workshop


This week, our adults were invited to join us in school for an Advent workshop. Our theme focused around Peace and how this Advent we can promote peace in our lives. 

We read St Luke's Gospel which told us about the words of Prophet Isaiah; "Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight". It is important this Advent we prepare for the coming of the Promised King, Jesus Christ.


God of peace, in still in us your peace that surpasses all understanding. As we prepare for his coming, make us instruments of your peace and help us find rest in the Prince of Peace, your son, Jesus Christ.





We have entered the season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation and we await the coming of Jesus. Every morning, we gather for an online retreat with Dan and Emily from OneLife Music to help prepare for the coming of Christ.


Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas. Amen

Christ the King


This week we celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the King. The Solemnity of Christ the King is celebrated on the last Sunday of the Liturgical year. We thought about Jesus as our King and how he reigns over us to keep us safe.


Jesus came to establish an eternal kingdom which is founded on love and gives peace, freedom, and fullness of life. - Pope Francis 2020



Red Wednesday


This week we wore red to stand in solidarity with Christians who have been persecuted as a result of their faith. We visited church, lit a candle and prayed in silence in remembrance. 


Let us pray that the Church may faithfully proclaim the message of freedom to a troubled world, and that by your grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, the Church will continue to transform, heal and make new the hearts of all who hear her message.

Gospel of the Lord


This week in our learning, we have been considering God's word in the Gospel. In our RE lessons, we were tasked with finding extracts of Jesus' life in each of the four Gospels before recording our findings.


We then celebrated Sunday's Gospel from St Mark. The message was to remind that we are all unique and valuable to God. Everybody has a gift from God and we should express our gifts to help one another.


Dear Jesus,

You challenge use to give what we have to others. May we strive to do this intentionally and prophetically, spreading your message of peace to all. Help us to learn to stand together in unity and solidarity, choosing to give freely to those in need.


Human Dignity


This week, we gathered with our school community for an assembly on Human Dignity. Human Dignity is when we treat someone with love, kindness and respect. It is important to treat everybody with those values as we are all created in the image of God. In year 3, we all follow the golden rule of treat others the way you want to be treated. By doing so, we are all ensuring we are treating everybody equally and showing the values God had bestowed in us.


You have created each of us in Your image, bestowing upon us an inherent dignity that cannot be diminished. Help us, Lord, to recognise and honour this sacred gift in every person we encounter. Grant us the courage to uphold the vision of human dignity in our daily lives. Inspire our hearts to tend to the needs of others, especially those who are marginalised, oppressed, and suffering. Empower us with Your Spirit to respond to injustice with compassion and resolve. May our actions reflect Your love and mercy, bringing comfort and hope to those in need.



Harvest Mass


This week, year 3 had the privilege of leading Mass about the Harvest. We reminded our school community of God's provision for us and God's blessing for others. Everybody read and sang eloquently and ensured Mass a true celebration! Well done year 3!


Almighty God, wonderful creator, giver of this beautiful earth on which we live, we give you thanks and praise. You have guided us all throughout the generations and you have taught us the need for care of everyone. We thank you for the harvest and the gifts that we can share.


Hymn Practice


This week, we are leading our first Mass of the school year. Our Mass is about the Harvest. As a school community, we have gathered to learn the hymns that we will be singing at our Mass.


Lord of the Harvest, thank you for your generosity to us. For all the good things that you have given to us. From the plants that grow, to the foods we eat, and those who sit alongside us. Help us to share what we have, being generous as you are generous to us.

Missio Assembly


This week we gathered in class for a Missio assembly. We watched a video about Father Leon who has set up mission in Cameroon and the good work he is doing to help those in need. We then paused to think about how we can build a community to show love today.


Loving God and Father of all, through you we learn that we are all your children and belong to your one global family.  Help us to act as sisters and brothers, supporting each other and working together, so that with your help, we can build a world of mercy, kindness, justice and peace. 


Class Assembly on Creation


This week, we held a school assembly about Creation. We retold the Creation story from the Book of Genesis before considering how we can be stewards to God creation and protect our common home. On 4th October, we celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. St Francis could be viewed as the original Earth Day advocate. He cared for the poor and sick, as well as preaching about animals, and wanted all creatures of Earth, including humans, to be treated as equals under God. 


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring love. Where there is offence, let me bring pardon. Where there is discord, let me bring union.



Celebration of Mass


In our learning in RE this week, we have been thinking about the celebration of Mass. We gather at Mass to celebrate the Eucharist. As a class we discussed about the role of people in our parish at Mass.

We were very fortunate that Father Sean visited as we were discussing the Introductory Rite. We sang the first hymn that we would be singing at Mass this week, we hope he was impressed!


On Thursday, year 6 led us in Mass to celebrate the feast of St Cosmas and St Damien. Ss. Cosmas and Damian were twins brothers who were doctors that became Christian. They were reported to have cured blindness, fever and paralysis, and doing so, attracted many people to the Christian faith.


O Saints Cosmas and Damian, we honour and venerate you with humility and affection. We invoke you, glorious martyrs of Our Lord, who exercised the art of healing with charity and sacrifice, curing the incurable and ministering with the aid of medicine through Christ.


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Celebrating Sunday's Gospel


Every Monday to start our school week, we gather as a class to celebrate Sunday's Gospel reading. This weekend was the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time and we listened to St Mark's Gospel. In the Gospel, Jesus asked his disciples who people say he is and Saint Peter replied "you are Christ". The Gospel message illustrates that Jesus may have many names but is important to remember he is Christ - the son of the living God.


Dear Lord Jesus, 

Please help us to get to know you through prayer, understand your ways through listening to your word and follow your example in all that we do.


Season of Creation


Throughout the month of September and until the feast day of St Francis of Assisi (patron Saint Ecology), we are celebrating God's creation. During this season, we are encouraged to renew our relationship with God and all his creations. 

Mrs Larkin led a school assembly focusing on how we can be stewards for God's creation, what we could do to be a good stewards as well as how we can take care of Gods creation. 


God our Father, you created the world and sent your own Son to live among us, made of the same stuff, breathing the same air, marvelling at sunrise and sunset just as we do. Help us to participate in the life around and within us as your life, as you living in us and we living in you and in each other.


School Mission Statement, Class Saint and Jesuit Virtues

The focus in  our R.E work has been surrounding our school mission statement, class Saint (Saint John Vianney) and Jesuit Virtues. We will take inspiration from all and seek support throughout this school year.

Christ our Lord, You are the centre of our school community.

Together we live out your mission in both word and deed.

We show love to all no matter who they are
and celebrate our own uniqueness.

We long to learn more about our faith
and come to know you more deeply.



Living, loving and learning about God together!

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New Beginnings

Welcome to Year 3's Catholic Life Page. It has been fantastic to reconnect with our school community and begin another wonderful academic year. We look forward to continuing our journey in faith together.

Lord, Our God, In your wisdom and love you surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever close to you, the source of all knowledge.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,

