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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Mini Vinnies at OLOL

Meet our 2022/2023 Mini Vinnie Team

Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul

27th September is an important day for Mini Vinnies. It is the feast day of St Vincent de Paul, where we celebrate his life, example and teaching. It is also a day where we are guided towards asking for Vincent’s intercession in our prayers and with our lives.

Below is a short prayer you can say together:

Almighty and eternal Father, today on the feast day of our patron St Vincent de Paul we pray. Guide our eyes to see those in need, our minds to the example of Christ and our hands to lift others out of pain. St Vincent de Paul, we follow your example, please continue to guide our hearts to love and intercede for us in our work and in our lives.


Meet our 2021/2022 Mini Vinnie team

Meet our 2020/2021 Mini Vinnie Teams

Mini Vinnie's Pupil Action Plan 2020/2021

Meet our 2019/2020 Mini Vinnies

Meet our 2018/2019 Mini Vinnies!

Mini Vinnie Celebration Mass in London - 2019

Our Mini Vinnies designed Easter Gardens to display at the foot of the cross in Church this Eastertide. 'He is Risen! Alleluia!'

Our Mini Vinnies Team meet once a fortnight (sometimes more often) to celebrate the work of St Vincent de Paul and to live his example through:

  • Prayer
  • Thinking about those in need
  • Actively working to create positive change for others


The Vincentian life means we have to “see”, “think” and “do” so that we really understand how to live the message of Christ to love our neighbour as ourselves.


Mini Vinnies make a pledge about their commitment and work for the good of the community when they join. Their work with Mrs Anthony can be for the greater good of the school, parish, local and global communities.


This is our Current Mini Vinnie Team for 2018/2019 – we are very proud of what they do for others in the name of St Vincent de Paul.

You can find out more about the Mini Vinnies by reading the booklet here or visiting the main website
