We send out regular questionnaires to all our parents/carers and pupils. We really want to know your opinions and views on key aspects of school life from how happy your child is with us to your feelings on school meals. We use an analysis of the results to help us react to suggestions, track progress and set future targets. Most importantly we want parents to feel involved in the way school works and this is one way for parent’s voice to be part of the School Development Planning.
Mrs David is always happy to speak with parents or receive emails discussing opinions and suggestions that will help us continue taking Our Lady of Lourdes forward. Mrs David will always listen to your views in an environment of mutual respect, and the school will work with you to reach the best outcomes for the children and whole school community. No idea is a bad idea but not all ideas are workable in school. Please do not be offended if your suggestions are not followed, the school is a much bigger picture than one child or one idea and there are often really good reasons why things happen in the manner they do.
Remember please that our Twitter/X page is a Learning Journey platform and is not an outlet for detailed feedback or complaint.