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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


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Year 2 Catholic Life

Year 2 celebrated the feast of the Epiphany during our celebration of the word. We enjoyed reflecting more deeply on the gifts that the Kings gave to Jesus at his birth.

Year 2 shared Sunday’s Gospel reading from St Luke’s gospel, The Baptism of our Lord. We know that through this reading we are reminded of the humility of Jesus and how we are welcomed into Gods family at our Baptism. We recalled symbols of Baptism and discussed their significance

Year 2 took part in a danceathon to raise money for CAFOD. We danced non stop for 40 minutes! Well done year 2, your efforts will towards helping others to enjoy happy and independent lives and access resources that we sometimes take for granted.

Thank you G for sharing your prayer service with us following your week with the prayer bag

Year 2 have enjoyed joining one life music each day during Advent. We enjoying singing with Dan and Emily and reflecting upon scripture that have helped us gain a deeper understanding of all the important people who prepared the way for Jesus.

Year 2 delivered a whole school assembly on the season of Advent. Thank you to parents for joining us to hear about how we are preparing for Jesus. We know that we think of how we can be more peaceful, joyful, loving and full of hope during this time. We know it is a time to think of others and prepare the way for the Lord through acts of love and kindness. Stay awake, be ready! The Lord is coming soon.

Year 2 parents joined us for a prayerful and reflective Advent Workshop

Year 2 have been enjoying joining Dan and Emily each morning for the One life advent live stream. We lit the first candle on our wreath and talked about hope. We are hopeful in our daily lives and we trust in Gods plan for us.

Year 2 joined their school family to learn about diversity in sport. We know that everyone has a right to participate in sports. We learnt about Olympians and sports people who have achieved greatness.

Christ the King

This week, we gathered to pray and give thanks for Jesus in our lives.  The Solemnity of Christ the King happens on the last Sunday in the Liturgical year.  During our assembly, we reflected upon what it means to be a good king and what kind of king Jesus was to us.

Jesus came to establish and eternal kingdom which is founded on love and gives peace and freedom and fulness of life.  We rejoiced through song, giving thanks for Jesus, king of Our Hearts.  Our 'Go Forth' challenge was to think about ways we can continue to serve Jesus today.

The Presentation of the Virgin Mary

This week, Oak Class led whole school Mass to celebrate The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We celebrate when Mary’s parents, Anna and Joachim took Mary to the temple at 3 years old to be presented to God.  They brought her up to love God and always do what he asked of her, they knew that she had been chosen for a special purpose.  Because of their love and care, she was able to say yes to God when he asked her to be the mother of Jesus.

Aid to the Church in Need- Red Wednesday

This week we wore red to mark Red Wednesday where we pray for all those Christians who are persecuted for their faith.  We gathered for whole school assembly to share our ‘Go Forth’ actions, sharing ways in which we implemented our Catholic Social Teaching principle- Human Dignity in our daily lives.  We then researched the work of the charity, Aid to the Church in Need and recognised ways that they helped treat persecuted Christians around the world with the dignity the deserve.  Following the assembly, we took a visit to church where we prayed silently for those who cannot go to church and pray themselves.

November Month of the Holy Souls

This month we remember those who have died and gone to Heaven before us.  It is a special month when we pray for those who God has called through death to eternal life.  We gathered for whole school assembly on Armistice Day to remember the fallen and pray that their souls are welcomed into Heaven.  When we returned to class, Oak Class wrote their own remembrance prayers and shared them in child led liturgy.
We Will Remember Them.

’Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace. Amen.’

Catholic Social Teaching - Human Dignity

This week, Oak Class gathered with the school to explore the meaning of ‘Human Dignity’.

We recognised that each of us are created in the image and likeness of God and therefore all deserve to be treated with love, respect and kindness.  We recognised that we are all unique and as a result should use our actions and words to show dignity to all mankind.

We left the assembly with a special mission to live out this CST principle in everyday life.  We will strive to treat people within our home, school and parish community with dignity and respect.


During the season of Harvest, we thank God for his marvellous creation and thank him for the gifts he has given us, especially the food that we receive each Harvest.

We gathered together for whole school Mass, to pray for those people in this country and other parts of the world who may not have enough to eat.  We reflected on the responsibilities that God has given to us, to take care of the world and people in it.  Oak Class also donated food items for those in need in our local area.

The Angelus

Oak Class gather together each Friday at 12 to pray The Angelus.  We reflect upon Our Lord's passion, since Jesus mounted the cross at noon on Good Friday.  The Liturgy Leads guide us through through prayer, and we join with whole class responses.  We explore how The Angelus is a Marian devotion and reflect upon the important role Mary played in the life of Christ and how she said yes to God's plan.  As a class, we recognised the plans God has made for us and how we too can say yes to God in our lives.

The Rosary- Praying for Peace

As we continue to journey through the Month of The Holy Rosary, we pray for peace in our world and homes.  We recognised that it is a shared responsibility for all Christians to work together in faith to unite and strengthen the church.  We asked God to help us be the best Catholic Christians that we can be to continue his work and to be peacemakers amongst each other.  

Mission Together

This week we have gathered as a class to share the Mission Together assembly, exploring the work of 'Missio' in Cameroon.  We discussed how we saw the Catholic Social Teaching principles in action and we reflected upon ways in which we can act as sisters and brothers supporting our global family.  Our Liturgy leads guided us in prayer and we shared ideas of how we can stand in solidarity and build a better world.

The Month of The Holy Rosary

This week, the children gathered together for a class based liturgy.  They set up a beautiful prayer focus, using the prayer bag, and led us in prayer giving thanks to Mary Our Mother during this month of October, the month of The Holy Rosary.

We explored different artefacts, including the rosary beads, and shared a decade of The Rosary together.  We explored other class prayers such as The Angelus, recognising the links between these prayers and Our Lady.  We will continue to explore the mysteries of The Rosary for the rest of the month of October. 

The Feast of Ss. Cosmas and Damian

This week we attended whole school Mass, to celebrate The Feast of Ss. Cosmas and Damian.  Ss. Cosmas and Damian were doctors who became Christians, practising medicine and surgery free of charge, particularly helping the poor.  They are reported to have cured blindness, fever and paralysis and by doing this, attracted many people to the Christian faith.  They were arrested by the local Roman governor because of their faith.  The Roman Emperor issued an order to kill all Christians and rid the empire of Christianity.  Despite persecution, they stayed true to their faith and were martyred.

Oak Class recognised the dedication of these saints and were inspired by their faithful actions.

Classroom Blessings

Oak Class had a special visit from Deacon Tim to mark our new beginning in Year 2.  We listened to the scripture and gave thanks for the gifts and talents that God has blessed us with, when he created us.  We joined in prayer and asked God to be with us throughout our journey in Year 2 and to help us reach our full potential.  Deacon Tim then blessed each of us with Holy water and gave a special blessing to our prayer area that we use each day to reflect on our faith.

Stewards of God's Creation

This week Oak Class gathered as part of a whole school assembly to explore the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.  We focussed on the importance of Stewardship and recognised that we need to be caring towards all of the gifts that God has given us.  As we are in the Season of Creation, it gives us an opportunity to show are gratitude for the world around us.

The children discussed their roles and responsibilities on this earth and understood how we can all do our bit to look after the wonderful world we life in.

New Beginnings 

As we begin our new journey into Year 2, we gathered together in prayer as a class to give thanks for all that God has created and to ask for support with our new aspirations and goals.

As the week continued, we shared CAFOD’s National Assembly for the Season of Creation and shared our own prayers in our prayer circle.
