Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School is blessed to have an experienced and dedicated Governing Body who work tirelessly to ensure that our children receive a high quality education in an environment that develops them spiritually, socially and academically. The Governors bring many educational, legal, financial and spiritual skills together so that we have a secure leadership structure overseeing the running of the school.
Our Governors play a very active part in the life of our school and they work closely with Mrs David and the rest of the staff to make sure…
To help ensure that out Governing Body is reflective of the community we serve, we collect and review our Governor's diversity data to help inform discussion and action. We do not publish this information online due to the small size of our board and the risk of inadvertently identifying an individual through the publication of their personal data.
Please read the short biographies below to learn a little more about your school Governors.
Mike Moran, Foundation Governor
Chair of Governing Body
Vice Chair of Performance and Standards
Foreign Languages - Mandarin Link Governor
For a number of years I have supported the parish as a Eucharistic minister and reader at Mass. I have broad experience of Catholic education through the headship of two Catholic schools and working at the Diocesan Education department. In addition I have worked as a school improvement adviser for a local education authority combining this with Ofsted inspection. My three children attended Catholic schools and I am committed as a governor to help the school continue to provide the excellence and whole child formation for which our Catholic schools are renowned.
Canon Sean Grady, Foundation Governor
Vice Chair of Catholic Life Committee
Responsibility for HT Performance Management
RSE and Catholic Ethos Link Governor
On behalf of the Governors of Our Lady of Lourdes, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to our school. I am privileged to be the Vice Chair of a hardworking, dedicated Governing Body, which works as a team with our children, staff and parents. The Governors role is to ensure that not only does the school provide the best possible education for our children, but that it also provides a caring, loving atmosphere where everyone is valued. As a Catholic school, we are keen to support the Head Teacher and staff in promoting Christian teaching and values that will enable our children to develop into young adults who will enrich our community and society.
Mrs P David, Head Teacher
Member on all committees
I have been a Catholic teacher for almost 29 years and at some senior level of school leadership for 20 of those. I have been a Governor at 4 schools in that space of time, and the contribution of Governors to the wellbeing, leadership and successful development of a school cannot be underestimated. I am privileged daily to work with this group of Governors, who are not only committed to strategic leadership as their role requires but also to the development of holistic Catholic Education and what that looks like for the children and families of OLOL
Mrs M Healy, Parent Governor
Vice Chair - Finance and Resources Committee
Science and STEM Link Governor
I have been involved with Our Lady of Lourdes Primary school for the past 9 years as a parent of 4 children, my eldest just leaving last year. I am passionate about Catholic Education and the development of the whole child. As an OLOL parishioner and one of the Sunday Liturgy Leaders, I have experienced OLOL children eloquently speaking about their faith and their personal duties and responsibilities. This has reflected how they are developing spiritually through the school and the home. Through my own children’s’ experiences, I have seen how nurturing the OLOL staff are and how many opportunities the children are given to flourish. As parents we want our children to be academically at their best, but being happy, confident and socially responsible is just as, if not more, important. I take my role as a Parent Governor very seriously and will dedicate all I can to ensure the school keeps moving forward by being self-reflective and looking at how it can best operate for the good of the children and families it serves.
Mrs Anna McGlone, Governor
Chair of Catholic Life Committee
Vice Chair of Performance & Standards Committee
Catholic Life and RE Link Governor
I have been a foundation Governor since April 2014 and a parishioner for the last 13 years with 2 children previously attending Our Lady of Lourdes School. I have worked at a Girls Catholic secondary school for the last 14 years which is both interesting and rewarding ensuring the pupils have a safe and practical environment to learn in. As the link Governor for R.E I am privileged to help support and develop the important link between the school community and Our Lady of Lourdes Church in all its aspects of catholic life. It is very encouraging to see all the work that staff, parents and governors do to strive to develop and maintain the high standards at the school. What is paramount, is that every child is safe and has every opportunity to learn and develop both academically and spiritually.
Mrs Kathleen Price, Governor
Responsibility for HT Performance Management
Chair - Performance & Standards Committee
English & PSHEE Link Governor
My appointment as Foundation Governor at Our Lady of Lourdes School commenced in March 2017. I have been a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes for thirty-seven years and have served as a Eucharistic Minister in the parish for twenty years. I am a retired Head teacher of a Catholic primary school, therefore I feel I can use my experience of teaching and leadership in helping and supporting the school in continuing to move forward. I am delighted to have this opportunity to serve the school and parish in the role of a governor.
Mr Michael Brennan, Governor
Performance and Standards Committee Member
PESSPA Link Governor
Being a former Primary School Teacher, I have a good understanding and appreciation of the commitment and dedication required by both Governors and teaching staff to ensure our pupils are provided with the best opportunities to grow and develop into well-rounded individuals. Having previously been a PE lead, I value the positive impact PE and physical activity has in supporting every child and am committed to my role in being the Link Governor overseeing PESSPA. Family and community is important to me, I currently have two children who attend the school and enjoy coaching our local underage Gaelic football team, St Brendan’s, of which many of our children are part of.
Mrs Ann Carbery, Governor
Chair of Finance and Resources Committee Member
Maths & More Able Pupils Link Governor
Attendance Governor
I have been a Foundation Governor since 2001, at which time I was a new parent to Our Lady of Lourdes School. As a Catholic teacher myself, it is extremely important to me that our children have the best opportunities to grow and flourish, both personally and academically and it is a great privilege for me to be able to work alongside the board of governors and staff to ensure this continues to happen. As maths is a subject that I personally enjoy, it is an honour to work alongside a very well-informed and dedicated subject leader in my role as Maths Link Governor. It is amazing to see the progress that our children make and the distending levels of support that are available to those that need it.
Ms Heidi Grant, Staff Governor
Performance and Standards Committee Member
Humanities Link Governor
I have recently been appointed as a Governor, having taught at OLOL for many years. I have seen the support and dedication of the Governing Body make an impact in the academic, personal and spiritual development of all our pupils. I am delighted to be joining the team as a Performance and Standards Committee member and working alongside our Humanities lead teacher to support their drive to offer the very best to our pupils.
Mrs Tracey O'Connor, Parent Governor
Performance and Standards Committee Member
Arts (Music, Art, DT, STEAM links) Link Governor
I have taught Design and Technology and Art in a local secondary school for the past 18 years. For 7 of these I have worked as a Teacher Consultant for a national engineering academy supporting both primary and secondary teachers across the Midlands to develop their STEM curriculum. I am also the parent of a child currently attending Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. I believe passionately that engaging children in the Arts cultivates all aspects of their development and am therefore proud to be the link Governor for Music, D&T, Art and STEAM. I will do all that I can to support the Governing Body and the school in its unwavering commitment to develop the full potential of all students in its care.
Mrs Josephine Cunningham, Foundation Governor
Finance Committee Member
EYFS Link Governor
I am delighted to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor, at Our Lady of Lourdes School. I have been a parishioner for 27 years. My 3 children attended Our Lady of Lourdes from 2001-2014. I believe it was the wonderful combination of home, school and parish community, which shaped them into the thoughtful, caring and conscientious adults they are today. I recently retired from nursing, after a career spanning 38yrs. For the last 25yrs, I was employed as a Practice Nurse within Sparkhill and Yardley Wood. I thoroughly enjoyed working within Birmingham's rich, cultural diversity, but witnessed too, deprivation and suffering, within our fractured society.
Deacon Tim Anthony, Associate Member
Finance and Resources Committee
Computing & New Technologies Link Governor
Health & Safety Link Governor
I have been a Parent Governor since 2005 (and am currently an associate governor), during the time in which my three children have attended the school. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch them and their classmates grow into confident, well-rounded individuals, ready to meet the new challenges of secondary education. To my mind, this is what Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School does best. Together with academic progress, the "twin thread" of spiritual formation is at the heart of what we provide for each pupil. As a secondary school teacher myself, it is always easy to identify those children who have been given a firm foundation to their faith. The partnership between Our Lady of Lourdes School, the parish and the home is the essential basis for this, and I am always very proud of the children in their commitment to the Faith and charitable works.
Governing Board Diversity Data
From April 2023, schools are being encouraged to publish their Governing Board's diversity data. The process for collecting this data is currently being discussed and when ready (dependent on the information that members of the GB wish to share), it will be published here.