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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

PE and Sports at OLOL

PE Partners at OLOL

At OLOL we have membership of some national and local organisations to support our PE planning, delivery and assessment. We use resources and follow the initiatives provided by these organisations to enhance our school PE offer.

Year 5/Year 6 Football Victory!

OLOL PE Parent Workshops - Fantastic parental engagement with our curriculum!

TCS Mini London Marathon at OLOL - 2024

Daily Mile - Children Fit for Life Award 2023/2024

Football at Christ Church School - 2023/2024 #LetGirlsPlay

Year 3 Athletics Event with BCSGO 2023/2024

OLOL 8.00 am Active Mornings PE and Sports Club - June/July 2023

OLOL Staff CPD - Active Learning and the SHARP Principles in PE

World Daily Mile Day 2023

After School Sports Provision at OLOL - 60 minutes of daily activity!

Our OLOL PE Sports Leaders - Pupil Leadership 2023

Our Awards 2022-2023

BCSGO Competitions and Festivals 2022-2023

Walking to School

Living Streets: promoting walking and providing useful information, ideas and resources, including:

International Walk to School Month in October.

Brake’s Giant Walk: Walking event in schools every June.

Walk it: Online journey planner for walking.


Our Sports Leadership Team leading 60 Active Minutes...

Our Wake Up Shake Up Team

Sporting Achievements at Home...

Gaelic Sports

Play Leaders Training

A new Sporting Year at OLOL has begun! Daily Mile

ESAA Award Scheme at at OLOL

From 2021/2022 we have offered all children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) the opportunity to attain progressive awards from the English School’s Athletics Association award scheme. This inclusive programme will include all pupils (regardless of ability or need) so that they can develop skills and formal recognition of their achievements in athletics.

OLOL Commonwealth Games Celebration 2022

For National Sports Week, we opened our school at 7.55 each morning to allow selected year groups to come in and do sports sessions. We offered handball, active mat keep fit, cricket, basketball, skipping, hurdle racing, daily mile, quoits, tennis, hoops and we have been overwhelmed with how popular it has been! Our Year 6 Sports Leaders have been tasked with being here every day to run the events. THis has been such a successful start to our days that we are going to look at extending this programme...

Football Friendly against St Martin de Porres

We get our 60 ActiveMinutes wherever we can at OLOL!

Year 4 Handball with Richard Steadman from Inspire Sports

Happy 10th Birthday Daily Mile

Year 2 Hockey

Tapping Out! We assess our PE sessions by Tapping Out...

Handball Competition - Hall Green Schools

OAA and Orienteering at OLOL

Teacher INSET 2022

PE and Sports Leadership at OLOL

OLOL has numerous Sports Leadership Groups that support the drive for PE, sports, fitness, health and wellbeing in our school. The following groups are our Sports Leaders

  • Play Leaders
  • Sports Councillors
  • WUSU Team
  • Bronze Ambassadors

This year our Sports Leaders are working on a shared Leadership Award with OLOL and Bishop Challoner. This will see them completing minimum challenges to achieve a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award from the two schools. The children have risen to the challenge admirably so far. We meet each half term as a whole group to discuss what we are doing in PE, sports, activity and fitness in our curriculum, break periods and after school!

Our OLOL Pe, Sports, Activity, Wellbeing & Health Zone

Year 6 Dodgeball Festival @BCSGO

OLOL does the Mini London Marathon - Oct 2021

Every child from Year 1 – Year 6 reached the required distance (through their Daily Mile efforts) to be awarded a London Mini Marathon pin badge! A great sporting achievement OLOL!

Daily Mile Commonwealth Challenge

School Games Values - At OLOL we show...

OLOL After School Clubs

PE, Sports, Fitness & Activity at Home...

Information & Signposting for Families

Community Sporting Opportunities 2021/2022

OLOL Sports Day 2021

Youth Sports Trust Initiatives

National Sports Week 2021


Andrew Pozzi’s message to OLOL

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