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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


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Year R

Reception have been learning about the feast day of Corpus Christi. We created our own Monstrance art. We know that at the Eucharist we see Jesus and this is a very special part of the Mass. we took part in a procession and showed reverence to the body of Christ.

We have been thinking about different types of prayer. We know that when we talking to God we can thank him for his gifts, ask God for help, Praise God and say sorry for the things we have done wrong. In our shared worship, we chose how we wanted to talk to God. We offered our prayers in the circle and then recorded them using our own words.

We are learning about prayer and how it is an important communication with God. We have been talking about the prayers that we say each day and the special times that we pray. We know that when we pray, we are talking to God and he is listening to us. We set up an outside prayer space so that we can find quiet time to talk to God. What do you talk to God about? How do we prepare ourselves to spend time in prayer?

In reception we are learning to retell the story of Pentecost. We role played the story and used musical instruments to make the sound of the wind. We shared how we might have felt if we had been there with the disciples.

Reception have created Paschal Candles as part of our learning about Easter. We decorated them with our own symbols that express our love and joy for the risen Jesus.

This may, Reception are praying the rosary for peace for all of God’s people around the world.

This half term we are thinking of how we can be compassionate and loving. We are thinking of ways that we can show these virtues during our everyday lives. Can you save a space in the line for a friend? Can you hold the door for someone? Who will you share the toys with? Will you forgive someone that has upset you? Will you listen to your grown ups and try and help them? Can you spend some time in prayer with God?

We are learning to sing a simple Alleluia during our shared worship this Easter. We talked about why we rejoice at this time and the things that make us joyful. We offered our thanks and praise to God for all the gifts we are given.

Reception have been learning to make links between the events of the last supper and the words and actions of Father Sean at the Eucharist. We role played this special part of the Mass and talked about what Jesus told his special friends at the Last Supper.

Reception have responded to the Palm Sunday story by role playing Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We enjoyed waving the palms and saying Hosanna!

Reception have been thinking about reconciliation. We thought about the times that we have sinned and how our sins are like stones that weigh us down. When we say sorry to god, we are released of our sins and feel lighter. We each held a stone that represented our sin. We said sorry and placed our stones in the pot. We are going to try to change so that we can be closer to God.

Reception have made a chain of promises. We promise to try our best, learn our sounds, play with everyone and never give up even when things get tricky.

Upon their return to school, Reception have been thinking of how they can be attentive and discerning. We talked about how we can be attentive to one another’s needs and feelings. We talked about the importance of listening to our friends and teachers and how important it is to take turns and share. We were also attentive to the need to keep everybody safe by washing our hands correctly. We are attentive to gods call to love and care for one another.

Our prayer area reflects the season of Lent. The children are learning to link the colour purple to preparation. During Lent we are preparing by trying to be more like Jesus. We are using a kindness jar to focus on acts of love and kindness this Lent. Every time we show these traits we put a pebble in the jar. I wonder if we will fill the jar by the end of the season of Lent.

This week we enjoyed learning about our patron saint. We learnt that Our Lady of Lourdes is the special name we give to Mary when she appeared to Bernadette in the Grotto in Lourdes. We wrote prayers and asked Mary to pray for members of Gods family. We also studied different artist representations of Our Lady of Lourdes and used oil pastels to create our own art works. We tried to include lots of details such as flowers and the Holy spring. Can you see Our Lady’s halo?

Reception enjoyed hearing the story of the conversion of Saint Paul during our assembly this week. We talked about how Saul was changed on the road to Damascus and how he chose to lead a better life that helped others in the service of God. We talked about how we could learn from Saint Paul by saying sorry for the times we have done wrong and beginning again with a fresh start. We know that God is ever loving and will always forgive our mistakes when we say sorry.

We are thinking about people who help us. We drew portraits of father Sean and talked about how he helps us to become closer to god. Sally our crossing warden came to talk to the children about how she helps the community.

Reception children took part in an Advent prayer service. They gathered together in a circle and selected the purple cloth and Advent wreath as special symbols of the seasons. Together we reflected upon our Advent preparations so far. We thought about how we have been helping others and preparing our hearts to welcome Jesus. We lit the candles on the wreath and counted 3 lit candles to mark the 3 weeks of Advent that have passed. We spoke to God using our own words for prayer. Some children thanked God for sending us his son whilst others thought of ways they could be more loving like Jesus. We are learning to be reverent and respectful during shared Liturgy.

Reception children enjoyed performing the Nativity. They worked hard to learn the songs that tell the special story of the birth of Jesus. Taking part in the Nativity is such an important part of a child’s school experience for so many reasons. The most important of all is that it immerses children in this special story and helps them to really understand why as Catholics we celebrate Christmas. Enjoy asking your children about the Birth of Jesus and all the people who came to see the new born king.

During Advent Reception are thinking about how they can prepare for the birth of Jesus. We thought of ways that we could be of service to others during this season of preparation and decorated baubles that show our ideas. We will help our parents with the cooking, tidy our rooms and try to put on our pyjamas by ourselves. How are you preparing to welcome Jesus?

Reception children have been learning about the season of Advent. We talked about important symbols that we see in church during this time of preparation and waiting. We talked about the Advent wreath and how it helps us to prepare for Jesus coming on Christmas Day. We made Advent wreath crowns to help us remember the meaning of each of the candles on the wreath.

Reception children took part in red Wednesday. We dressed in red and prayed the Our Father for persecuted Christians around the world.

Reception have been learning about the importance of the church as a place of worship and celebration. We enjoyed looking at the front of the building and talking about special times that we have shared with our families in Church.

We enjoy learning about how different faiths mark their special celebrations. We learnt about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We enjoyed exploring the traditions and rituals that take place during the Festival of Lights. Here we are making diwa lamps, making rangoli patterns and having a celebratory dance with our friends. We were able to make some comparisons between this special Hindu celebration and catholic celebrations that we observe.

We have been learning about the people who love and care for us. We enjoyed hearing about Jesus’ family who loved and cared for him just as our families do.

Throughout the months of September and October we have been learning to be curious and active in our learning and play. We have been enjoying the wonders of Gods creation and using all of his wonderful gifts in our work and play.

Today we prayed a decade of the rosary and prayed for children across the world who face persecution.

In today’s assembly we have been learning about Saint Vincent de Paul who dedicated his life to helping the poor.

Today in our assembly we have been talking about The Holy Rosary. We heard how Our Lady gave the Rosary to St Dominic as a special prayer, to help people remember and reflect on the life of Jesus. We said the Hail Mary and talked about Mary being the mother of Jesus.

During our first house team meeting we found out which team we are in. We enjoyed learning the names of the saints and beginning to learn about their lives.

As part of our creation unit we have been thinking about our gifts and talents. We gave thanks to God for our talents and thought about how we can use them to serve others.

Children in reception enjoyed watching mass via the live stream. It was a great opportunity for them to wonder and ask questions. We are learning to develop our prayerfulness and reverence. Perhaps you could support this at home by saying The Hail Mary and The Our Father.

In this mornings assembly we have been thinking about the God who speaks. Throughout this year we have been asked to look at how God speaks to us through the Bible, why the Bible is important to us and how we should use it to listen to God. We enjoyed hearing about St Matthew the Apostle.

During assembly time this morning, Reception have been celebrating the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We reflected on the symbol of the cross and how on this special day we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made. We praised him and thanked him for his love.

Mrs Anthony used holy water to bless the classroom. She made a cross on the classroom door using holy water that had been blessed by Deacon Tim. We also said a special prayer.

Children in Reception are learning the story of Creation. We will be talking about all the things that God made and thinking about how we can care for his wonderful creation.
