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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Year N 2021/2022

End of Year Thanksgiving

We gave thanks to God for our year together. We listened to the story of Jesus and the children. We shared one thing we are thankful for during our time together. 

Laudato Si

Pope Francis wrote a letter to the world called Laudato Si. He told us all we need to do a better job of looking after the earth, our Common Home, and each other. 


We talked about things we can do to help. We will look after our things so that they last, save water, turn off lights and look after nature. We prayed and listened to the story of Creation. We know that God wants us to look after the earth and share what we have with others. 

Visiting the Stations of the Cross

We went to look at the Stations of the Cross in our church. They are pictures carved in wood. They tell the story of how Jesus ditalked about what we noticed and wondered how different people felt. We lit a candle and said a prayer. We thanked God for His Son Jesus. 


Nursery went to church to sing Alleluia. We thought about Jesus being alive and felt very happy. Can you sign Alleluia?

Holy Week

We thought about the cross that Jesus carried and died on during our Holy Week learning. We made crosses on the Easter cards for our families. We used them during our prayer service. We listened to the Easter story and shared our thoughts about how Mary and Jesus might have felt. We enjoyed sharing hot cross buns. They are a special food eaten on Good Friday. What do you see on the buns? 

Our Lent Prayer Service

We made Lenten promises. During Lent we will keep our promises as we prepare to celebrate Easter. 

During Lent we hear bible stories Jesus told about God the Father. We made sheep to remind us that we are God’s flock. He loves us as the shepherd loved the lost sheep. 

Live Simply Lenten Calendar

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day

During the week leading up our feast day, we visited the grotto to look at the statues. We talked about Mary and then drew pictures of her. We celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes by watching Mass. We wore our own clothes too. 


We role played a baptism. We talked about where a baptism happens and who is there. We know that a priest or deacon baptises people with Holy Water. We thought about why babies are baptised. 


Can you work out who was Father Sean? 


We are learning about the sacrament of Baptism. At Baptism, we are welcomed into God's Family. We looked at the font and noticed some symbols. We decided that the cross was to remind us of Jesus and the wiggly lines to remind us of waves and water. We know that the font has Holy Water in it. 


We lit a candle and said a prayer of thanks for God's Family. 

Christmas Prayer Service

We gathered to say a prayer of thanks for the birth of Jesus. We shared our drawings of the Nativity. We talked about who came to see the new baby and why he was so important. We thought about how Mary and Joseph looked after Jesus just as our families look after us. 

In the third week of Advent, we lit the pink candle. It represents joy. We talked about the things that bring us joy and drew them. We take joy in family, friends, dancing, singing and Jesus being born. 


When do you feel joy? 


We marked the start of Advent with a prayer service. We lit the first candle and and marked the calendar to remember when to light the other candles. Then we asked Mary, Joseph and Jesus to pray with us for families everywhere. Next we listened to a bible reading from Isaiah telling everyone to prepare the way for the lord coming. We sang about the angel bringing  special news to Mary. 


How are you getting ready this Advent? 

Our End of Day Prayer


God Our Father

We come to say

Thank you for your love today.

Thank you for my family

And all the friends 

You give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

And in the morning,

Send your light.



Visiting Church

We visited our church. We talked about gathering in church as God's Family. People come together to listen, pray and sing. We noticed lots of images of Jesus and Mary. There was a very big crucifix too. 


What happens in church?

Who Made the Twinkling Stars?


We are learning to sing this hymn. Can you remember the actions?


Who made the twinkling stars?

The twinkling stars, the twinkling stars,

Who made the twinkling stars?

Our Father God.


Who made the rolling seas,

The rolling seas, the rolling seas.

Who made the rolling seas?

Our Father God.


Who made the birds that fly?

The birds that fly, the birds that fly.

Who made the birds that fly?

Our Father God.


Who made you and me?

You and me, you and me.

Who made you and me?

Our Father God.

Classroom Blessing

Deacon Tim came to visit us in Nursery. He blessed our prayer area with Holy Water. He said a prayer. We joined in by making the Sign of the Cross and saying, 'Amen.' 

Our Morning Prayer

Father in heaven, you love me,

you are with me night and day.

I want to love you always

in all I do and say.

I’ll try to please you, Father,

bless me through the day.

