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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School


SMSC Quality Mark 

Subject Leader – Miss Molloy

This quality mark is for schools looking to validate their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. Our assessor visit has taken place and we were really pleased to score 97% in silver and gold assessment statements with silver being awarded overall on this first assessment.

Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC Award)

Subject Leader – Miss Grant

OLOL uses many spaces and environments to engage learners and this is what LOtC is all about. This award is a celebration of teh breadth of curriculum opportunity we offer to children who come to OLOL through use of visits, visitors, school grounds and the community. From day visits to UK and European visits, we try to instil the notion that we are local, national and global learners as we prepare our OLOL children to be excellent citizens of the future. Our validation visit has taken place with an external advisor and we look forward to announcing the award level very soon...

Trauma Informed Attachment Aware Schools (TIASS)

Subject Leader – Mrs Lynch

Our school has been on a developmental journey to improve our offer to children by equipping our staff with the knowledge and skills to manage key issues around trauma and attachment, and the impact that these can have on children. Our whole school approach is rooted in resilience and recovery using trauma informed practise and in partnership with the Educational Psychology Team in Birmingham staff are accessing the most current theory and practise in supporting children. We have just completed our first assessment and will be able to let you know soon what award level we have started on...

Modeshift Stars Travel Plan

Subject Leader – Mrs David/Eco Team/School Council 

OLOL is fully engaged in the journey towards sustainability and this award links closely with other pupil led awards such as Live Simply, Rights Respecting and Eco Schools. We have reached the first stage - an approved Travel Plan and are well on our way to the next level. 

SLQ PE Life Skills Centre

Subject Leader – Mrs David/Mr Connolly

The PE Life Skills Award, developed in partnership with the Youth Sports Trust, is an accreditation programme that provides schools with a framework to recognise and reward the development of essential life skills in and through PE.

CAFOD Live Simply Award

Subject Leader – Mrs David/All Staff 

Our Live Simply Award was the culmination of many years work from staff, children and families to improve our understanding of and approach to sustainability and showing that by living simply we too are in solidarity with the poorest communities. For us this award ratified the work we had been doing already to live out the actions of the encyclical, Laudato Si...

360 Safe Online Safety Award

Subject Leader – Mrs David/Mrs Lynch

OLOL use the services of the 360 degree safe online review to measure where we are against a recognised national standard for online safety provision, policy and practise. The awards allow OLOL staff to record work that takes place and look for ways we can make our online safety support and teaching even better. We have attained the following 360 safe awards:

360safe Committed to Safety Online

360safe Progression to Safety Online

and we have been assessed as

360safe Accredited Safer Online (from March 2022)

National Online Safety Certified School

Subject Leader – Mrs David/Mrs Lynch

At Our Lady of Lourdes we take Safeguarding extremely seriously and as part of this commitment, we have been working with National Online Safety to complete training, information gathering and parental support to ensure we have constantly up dated information about keeping safe online (as adults and children). This certification is an acknowledgement that the staff, children and parents at OLOL share this commitment and we are very pleased to have received the award. This award renews annually. In addition we are also working towards the Safer Remote Learning Award. We have been certified for the last 3 years.


Primary Science Quality Mark

Subject Leader – Mrs Larkin

The Primary Science Quality Mark is an award scheme to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. Schools can achieve bronze, silver and gold awards.


School’s take part in PSQM Assessment

  • Because it will raise the profile of science in your school
  • Because it will systematically evaluate and develop all aspects of science teaching and learning in your school
  • Because up to two members of staff will take part in a year-long CPD programme that will develop leadership skills
  • Because you will join a local hub of science subject leaders working for a PSQM award
  • Because it publicly celebrate your school's commitment to excellent primary science

We have been awarded PSQM since 2017.


Rights Respecting Award - Bronze Level

Subject Leader – Miss Molloy


Many Birmingham schools participate in this award. Together young people and the school community learn about children’s rights, putting them into practice every day.  The Award is not just about what children do but also, importantly, what adults do. In Rights Respecting Schools children’s rights are promoted and realised, adults and children work towards this goal together.

There are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem.

International Eco Schools Award - Green Flag x3

Subject Leader – Miss Grant 

67 countries around the world are working towards Green Flag status in their schools. OLOL was awarded our initial Green Flag in 2019 and have since been awarded an additional Green and 2x Green with Distinction awards. There are 7 steps and 10 topics to achieve success in this award and we have enthusiastically embraced this as it leads us back to Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si 


Artsmark Award SILVER

Subject Leader – Mrs Patrick

Quote from our feedback: "As a Silver Artsmark school Arts Council England celebrates your commitment to arts and cultural education and the opportunities emerging across your provision. Your children and young people are offered equal opportunity to participate in a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences and you recognise the importance of development opportunities for your staff in these areas. You understand the value of working with arts and cultural organisations and are developing partnerships to enhance your provision. Your children and young people have an opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of arts and culture and you are working to build on the foundations of your provision. The panel enjoyed reading about how working towards Artsmark had created a richer arts offer at your school and your commitment to supporting teachers to develop their arts teaching skills is noteworthy. This included the dedicated INSET day and regular staff meeting time, to monitor and support work, as well as developing a tailored school arts curriculum to better track pupil progress… Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!" We have been awarded the Artsmark twice now and are delighted with this external validation of our curiculum.


Subject Leader – Mrs Lynch

Following an extensive external assessment, we have been awarded the prestigious ICT Mark. The award recognises the school’s success in developing the strategic use of technology in both administration and across the curriculum. Success in this award is a sign that OLOL children are attending a school at the forefront of modern technology.

School Games Mark

Awarded 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2022/2023

Subject Leader – Mrs David

The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels.

The Mark is a retrospective award which will validate your success over the ongoing academic year. Therefore, it's important to familiarise yourself with the criteria documents made available in January each year.

The School Games can help your students:

  • Become more determined and demonstrate resilience
  • Understand and demonstrate the importance of respect for others
  • Learn to develop self-control and manage emotions
  • Experience being part of a team and understand their contribution to it
  • Win with pride and lose with grace
  • Learn the importance of practice and preparation
  • Learn how to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them
  • Aspire to improve and challenge themselves
  • Have fun and enjoy themselves!

Music Mark

Subject Leader – Mrs Anthony

Music Mark is a membership organisation for Music Services and/or Lead Organisations of a Music Education Hub, their teaching and support teams, their partners and their schools. The aim is to enable the delivery of high-quality musical and social outcomes for all children and young people.


Music Mark hopes to continue raising the status and value of music in a broad and balanced education through:

  • ring-fenced government funding for music education to ensure that the National Plan for Music Education can be fully implemented and achieved by 2020 alongside ensuring the place of music education beyond 2020
  • support from local authorities and other bodies to exercise their civic responsibilities and own local decision making to complement the national framework for music education
  • an unswerving commitment to supporting the professional development of the workforce, especially in the quality of teaching and learning, as well as the quality of access and provision in music education, in schools, music services and music education hubs
  • the strongest possible focus on the impacts and outcomes for children and young people, musically, personally, socially and educationally; dedication to best progress and highest achievement for all
  • clear and unequivocal support for articulating and enabling the rich and positive impacts that a high quality music education has on schools and their communities

International Schools Award

Subject Leader – Mrs David

International education enriches teaching and learning. It introduces educators to new practices and perspectives, furthering their professional development and raising teaching standards. It gives young people a window into different cultures and countries, helping them develop as responsible global citizens and preparing them for life and work in a global society.

The International School Award provides a supportive and motivational framework to guide your international learning activities and helps you gain recognition for your ongoing international work. It can support schools at any stage of their international journey and can be adapted to any curriculum.

The Intermediate level of the International School Award is for schools already working on international activities. It is ideal for schools that:

  • have made links with other schools overseas and have worked on collaborative projects
  • have shared educational practice with partners overseas and are implementing changes across the school
  • are raising awareness of global issues amongst students

Forest School Practitioners

Subject Leader – Miss Grant

Forest Outreach – Mrs Austin

We are in a very privileged position alongside the Dingles and with the ongoing support of the Ranger Service, that we can provide our pupils with Forest Education and have enhanced our offer for outdoor learning in all subjects. Miss Grant will lead Curriculum based Forest Education and our newly arrived member of staff Mrs Austin will lead Forest Outreach with other schools, targeted provision for pupil premium children and outdoor and adventurous sports and games in PE.

Speaker's School Council Award

Subject Leader – Mrs Larkin

The Speaker's School Council Award is an annual competition for School Council's to show how they are making a daily impact in their schools. Miss Ballantyne has worked with the School Council to try and develop awareness and action linked to road safety outside our school. Awards like this are part of our wider PSHEE and British Values learning with our community.

Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM)

Subject Leader – N/A

The Primary Quality Mark award was first developed in 1997, with the help of local education authorities and primary schools throughout England and Wales, to provide a framework that would promote, support and celebrate the improvement of english and mathematics in schools.


The 10 Primary Quality Mark elements are:

  • A whole school strategy and planning to improve performance in basic skills
  • An analysis of the assessment of pupil performance in basic skills
  • Target setting for the improvement of the school’s performance in basic skills
  • Basic skills improvement planning for pupils under attaining and/or underachieving
  • Regular review of the progress made by pupils under attaining and/or underachieving in basic skills
  • A commitment to improving the skills of staff to teach and extend basic skills
  • The use of a range of teaching approaches and learning styles to improve basic skills
  • The use of appropriate teaching and learning materials to improve basic skills
  • The involvement of parents and carers in developing their child’s basic skills
  • An effective procedure for monitoring planning and assessing improvement in performance in basic skills.


The Primary Quality Mark process involves the whole school community in self-review and targeted intervention. At OLOL school we feel that it is now time to focus on other awards and accreditations so we have not sought to receive this award again. 
