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Our Lady of LourdesCatholic Primary School & Nursery

“Christ at the centre of our school where we live, love and learn together”


Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Yardley Wood, Birmingham. If you are worried about a child please speak to a DSL in school or telephone 01213031888 - CASS. If you think a child is in immediate danger please phone 999. We are an Operation Encompass School

Mental Well-being at OLOL

Staff Training at OLOL
We are committed to ensuring that staff are well trained and prepared to provide positive mental health and wellbeing support to children, and to each other as a staff.


National Wellbeing Pioneer School Birmingham

  • Staff TBC - National Wellbeing Award (current CPD 2023/2024)


DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training

  • Miss Popsys - National Mental Health Leadership (current CPD 2023)


MHFA England Trained Staff

  • Miss Popsys – Senior Mental Health Lead, Youth Mental Health First Aid (Full Course), Adult Mental Health Aware (Level 1)
  • Mrs David - Youth Mental Health First Aid (Full Course), Adult Mental Health Aware (Level 1)
  • Mrs Lynch - Youth Mental Health First Aid (Full Course)
  • Miss Grant - Adult Mental Health First Aid (Full Course)


Place 2 Be Mental Health Champions (Foundation)

  • All staff with child contact have completed this basic level of support training

Our OLOL Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions - Pupil Pastoral Leadership 2023

OLOL takes its commitment to mental wellbeing very seriously but parents must be aware that staff at this school are not mental health clinicians. Families will receive a triaged support to mental health first aid by the above named team of staff, led by Miss Popsys. 


In triaging issues, Miss Popsys prioritises caseload and support starting with the most serious cases where we believe there may be an immediate or impending threat to a child’s life and then through other needs on a case by case basis. Miss Popsys and Mrs David discuss caseload on a weekly basis and children’s priority on the list of 1:1 support can change depending on new concerns. Our support has to be prioritised due to staffing available. OLOL mental health provision is not an on demand service for the reasons stated above


Not all pupils will receive 1:1 direct support with Miss Popsys and some will be referred to other staff, to external agencies, to the child’s GP, towards Early Help Assessment etc. Families will be signposted to support groups who offer specific expertise as necessary.


Advice offered by OLOL should never replace that given by expert clinicians in the field of mental health (such as Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists or consultants managing neurological or psychological conditions who are already treating your child).

A Pep Talk for your Children...
Book Lists
Web Links to Support you and your Child

Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing 
